A Cat in the Catnip

John has made good use of my office baskets that I’ve purchased over the years from 2nd hand stores. They suit my files stuffed with important or not so important papers that I’m keeping for some unknown reason to him. So when his beloved catnip is strewn over by half drunk pussycats lounging on top of it, he gets quite irritated. So his resourceful gene kicks in and he covers all the plants with my metal baskets. That reasoning seems beyond me. I like wild places and plants that appear and perhaps disappear through Mother Nature’s hand. But he’s a stickler for exact dimensions and linear, well-trimmed and well-trained growth. Many arguments have erupted over this difference of opinion.

I personally cannot fathom why we have to cover the flow of abundance coming out of the soil with these contraptions. But he says that we can’t take them away yet. They apparently need to get bigger so they can withstand the onslaught of the three high felines that lie on them. Actually I’ve never noticed the other two having much interest in these. They don’t know what they’re missing. 

All the creatures of our domestic arrangement here at the House of Cluck-Cluck have certain habits. Man, woman and beast. Everyone makes the rounds around the place, following the sun mostly during the day and winding down in a certain order at night. Shaq is our oldest cat and has been suffering from a bit of dementia lately along with some other ailments and he often forgets what he’s just done and so does it repeatedly. We try to humor him. And we pick him up for cuddles all the time since he’s so needy. It does cut into our daytime chores when he wants to be held or go to sleep on us so any nap in the daytime that he takes under a metal basket on top of catnip is preferable by far. His antics ramp up later in the day but he’s such a sweetheart that we don’t care. We just love him. 

By the way in case you’re wondering, there’s a free side for the files to slide into or a feline to slide into. Clever.