My mate has had a surgery to figure out what these things are in his brain. We finally got the answer and it wasn’t the one we wanted. Instead, we were told that this is incurable and very aggressive but he can have some radiation and chemo therapy that might extend his life somewhat.
Meanwhile, I am trying to support him and organize a strategy for beating this in direct opposition to what the neurology doctor just told us. And we think we can succeed with the help of scalar machines to start the healing that is gentle but works at a cellular level and has additional ways of remote healing through molecular channels.
I don’t know all the scientific jargon to describe how it works but I know that it does seem quite effective in curing cancer. Or at least beating it back to oblivion, which seems better to us than poisoning his whole body with toxins that don’t eradicate the malignancies very much, for very long.
I may put a landscape photo in this blog if I find one that suits my up and down moods that seem to be running my life nowadays. But the overwhelming rush of shock and sadness has been replaced with action to get him on the right track right away. Doing that takes my focus off my feelings of anguish for him and onto a path that might just lead to a remarkable cure. That might even lead to the even bigger machines that I’ve heard about for the last few years that are in the pipeline to heal the world and they’re just waiting to come to the aid of humanity. Timing is everything of course. But we seem to be at the head of the queue now. God willing, it is just around the next bend in the road.