A Pony In Our Garden

Our neighbor stopped at our place for a quick visit while taking her little girl, Jaycee, for a walk, right past our house, on Miley, the pony. Her son accompanied them too, on his bike, with some sort of dirt bike helmet on, that he took off after a few minutes. I thought he was going to do some welding.
I’d been sitting inside by this time of the day, well after 5 in the afternoon, when I heard little clopping footsteps and a teeny voice, after a brief, soft knock on the door. When I looked up, I saw our wee horseback rider with her boots on and riding gear and was thrilled to get a break from whatever I was doing. So, I flew outside, happy to have some visitors and we had a good catch up on the lawn while Miley chomped as fast as possible on the delicious green grass that hadn’t been cut in over a week. Eventually I took them to John’s newly created cooking area in the back-back of our yard to show Joyce, the mother of these two sweeties, what John had done with the nifty metal chair she gave us. She’d also supplied all the latest sheets of used corrugated iron that John used for the roof of that structure, and so was thrilled to see it all go to good use. Although I’m not sure if I even like what John did to the chair, the whole place looks pretty great, especially considering what was there before. But the chair bothers me because I wanted to sit on it and didn’t exactly want our son’s old sheepskin we used to put in his stroller on cold days, sewn to the metal with twine, orange colored twine, for a cat seat. Only one cat has found it so far and although John swears that he washed the sheepskin it looks dingy and brown, where it used to be white and lustrous. So, I may not even show an image of that for this blog. But I do have some great pix of our little elfin Jaycee.
The visit was pretty brief but fun. I’d tried to give Joyce a very nice blouse that my daughter gave me, that I haven’t worn. But it’s not her style at all. Aside from that we had a short chat, a few laughs and then they were off, slowly walking again, this time towards home to their sweet little cottage about one kilometer from here. Her boy is growing up. He’s taller than me now. Leon still has his gorgeous head of hair, now longer than ever. When he was a tiny tot, he looked like a cherub with those strawberry blond locks framing his face. They are such a nice family to have as neighbors and when they left, I thought again how far away I am from all of my children and grandsons. I’m getting ready to flee the coop and go on some extended visits.