Julie and Phil rarely get out together without Elijah. So, since I’m here I suggested I could certainly watch him so they could go out for a meal and a movie. Thrilled to hear that, they took me up on my proposal, which is really just a dry run for next week’s event, when they’re leaving the nest on Friday morning to drive to Auckland for an event on Saturday and driving back that night.
Once they got all spruced up to go on their spur of the moment date night, Elijah and I cleaned the downstairs. While he vacuumed and polished furniture I went over any spots he missed and washed a few doggy licked glass doors of particularly impressive slobbering. After all that domestic fiddling we took a nice long walk to the end of the driveway and around the gardens in front to find the best flowers to pick with some assorted greenery to fill in the spaces.
Once back inside, I spent a few minutes arranging the bountiful blooms .and left them in the kitchen before putting them in different rooms. Then I scurried around in the kitchen and made the most delicious local homegrown pork chops that I’ve ever prepared or eaten., that I served on a bed of mashed potatoes with minced garlic on the meat and freshly baked bread that I dipped in the pan from the drippings. Topped off the whole thing with my copy of the raw broccoli salad we had at the coffee place, which tasted as good as we got out if not better to me than the original.
My grandson was in his glory and said the food tasted as good as his (chef0
mama makes.
Although I passed muster with him, we did forget to close the gate to lock the chooks into their fenced area. But mostly, we did great and the flowers added a lot to the spotless rooms. Better than the state of domestic sanitation though was that Elijah and I watched a suspenseful movie about the Sea Beast, which we both thoroughly got into. Even though I made him do certain tasks we both took advantage of the relaxation afterwards watching a pretty good flick together with Mochi, the pedigreed pooch, constantly at our beck and call.