We drove through the low fog that veiled our view ahead. The clouds covered the hills and dales with swathes of cotton wool making every vista seem rather surreal. The scenes were diffused with this light that softened each object in the distance while making the ones closer to us stand out in striking contrast to the background. We were on our way to a medical appointment that had to be in the early morning so they could fit me in for a quick blood test. Since our local doctors aren’t so local to us, we had to exit our warm bed and get dressed and go out into the big world from the safety of our country cottage and act civilized for a few minutes or at least until we could take care of other errands too and then scurry back to our nest. This was a big deal for us as we’re used to sleeping in and getting up after we’ve had enough rest. We don’t particularly relish fitting in getting up and going out in a timely manner very often. And we aren’t very good at it any more now that we haven’t got real jobs to make us do exactly that more often.
But we did great despite the very low visibility at first, close to home where the clouds hadn’t dissolved. As John’s passenger, without the responsibility of trying to see the road ahead, I felt like we were in a French impressionist’s painting of the sun in the early morning sky.
I was actually mesmerized by it and noted how dramatic it appeared in the rural countryside in that incredible light. Fortunately, we got there in the nick of time too, in fact, I was a tad early. The whole thing from walking into the medical office and leaving it took about 6 minutes.
So, all in all, we were glad to have experienced the evocative mystical mist that enveloped our neighborhood. That all disappeared by the time we got through the little canyon near Frog Rock, a gigantic limestone rock formation that looks very much like a frog. By then the clouds were dancing in a rainbow arc above the horizon. I will put the photos in and you can see for yourselves what I mean. The whole trip was accomplished in about two hours from door to door and we were very happy to still have some of the best hours left to putter around in when we got back to The House of Cluck-Cluck with all the cluckers waiting for us on the front lawn soaking up the sunshine while they could.