I seem to be the most relaxed around my sister in her gorgeous house in Manhattan Beach. With everything at our disposal inside and the serenity of the back garden pool that resembles a pond outside, I feel plugged into nature here as it flits and crawls and reaches for the sky, opening to the sunlight and the moonlight. I just know that my soul is dancing unabashedly here.
After visiting with Penny’s children and their kids, one of my sons brought his family here for a few days from Nevada, saving us from having to be in their 120-degree heat. Although we intended to visit another son and his family and then my other sister and her husband, who are now located quite far away., John got sick and we need to stay put while he recovers. In some ways I felt relieved because I too, am not 100% yet. So, with a few more days in front of us where we can rest or loll around to our heart’s delight and with shops and cafes and malls of all varieties nearby, we seem to be in a time warp of heaven.
I am a very successful shopper. Even when I’m not specifically looking for anything, I always find something, usually in record time. I do that too when looking for parking spaces close to where I want to be and when I’m finding a house or some sort of property. It seems I can manifest what I see in my mind and feel in my heart, very quickly. I believe I’m having some sort of awareness epiphany too, a raising of my consciousness even more than usual. Although I’ve always been psychic and often know things without thinking about them or forcing them from my brain, some ideas just seem to drop into my lap. But lately I don’t feel any compunction to go shopping. I’m just so happy having days and nights unfettered with any arbitrary schedules.
We can just be here for now and I’m literally lapping it up.