My writing expresses the random events of inspiration that I pick up from daily occurrences here in the back of beyond. This inspiration is organic in nature and happens quite often in nature. When I see what my chickens are doing or my cats or the plants or the weather, or other people’s animals, landscape, etc, I am moved emotionally to record it. Doing just that I take many photos, if I can, to capture these fleeting moments that back up my themes.
Luckily, I am a mostly positive kind of person. I notice things easily and garner great joy usually in these daily discoveries. Afterwards I embroider a small story around each of these happenings and try to find some real meaning in all of it.
Sometimes, I have to type in the middle of doing something else or I’ll lose my trend of thought. More frequently, I write just before I fall asleep, but it’s all in my head and not easy to remember exactly how it flowed from a rudimentary idea to a finished vignette. So, it’s easier to write when the ideas come to me rather than trying to piece together last night’s mental meanderings. Like dreams, these thoughts can be very elusive.
There’s no mystery really. The closer it is to what inspired me in the first place, the easier it is to put together a small story about it. Today is Sunday here and I am having a day of rest from my usual schedule and I’ve been thinking about how these blogs come about. As it happens, emotions play a big part in wanting to recreate something I’ve seen. I feel connected to all these mini events. These animals in particular give me great joy at times and similarly are also quite challenging at other times. There are different sides to each coin.
I think about stuff like this on Sundays when it’s drizzling and cold in winter and toasty warm by the fire inside. Shaq is resting on the chair nearby so we’re letting him have that seat even though one of us would like to sit there occasionally and soak up the warmth on this very chilly day. Not having central heating is still something I’ve never gotten used to here in New Zealand, especially in a wet winter. But Sunday near the little space heater is a good day to ponder my life and my stories I write. And I do.
Post Script
The chair near the fire has been abandoned. Lucky me. Time to sit there and turn off this heater. Oh, happy day. I’d better grab it before he comes back.