I love flowers, as you might have guessed by
now. But there are certain ones that resonate with me and hypnotize me with
their beauty and peonies might head that list. I personally have never grown
them or even thought about growing them, so they feel sort of special to me,
even a touch exotic. Unlike most flowers that I do grow or just admire, I know
very little about peonies. I think that they originated in Asia but have been
too lazy to even look that up, although I should do that at some point in the
future. But appreciating them as I do and being hypnotized by them as they do
to me, has nothing to do with their origins or their botanical names or even
what they need to thrive. I just want to appreciate them when I see them
and think about their exquisite form and how the light goes through them,
merging their colors as if by magic.
I found these specimens in my daughter’s garden. The former owner of the property planted all these lovelies and like a symphony of sweetness they open in harmony with their neighboring plants in the many separate private garden rooms that they reside in. For most of the year one could pass them without the slightest glance, but then they open in late Spring and all bets are off. They are truly the star of the garden by a country mile, along with the next best runners up, the irises and the roses. Apparently there are 102 rose bushes of all varieties growing there in their well planted, well planned and very established places that led me to a state of blissful peace as I drank in all this splendor. For a garden lover like me, it was astounding for all my senses and almost overwhelming. Buds, blossoms and blooms of all varieties filled the air with fragrance and also seemed to fill every available space with sprawling abundance.