Mother’s Day Down Under

It was a quiet and dark autumn day today. My memories enveloped me.

Eventually the sun did shine, on and off for the last hours of the afternoon. My dearest mother died in May of 1988, but she was lost to us all for several years before that. I am reminded of her very often. Our bond was so profound. We shared the same birthday and I was her last baby girl. 

More recently, within the last few years, John’s mother passed away. She lived to be 102, almost. Whenever she’d see John, her firstborn, her eyes would light up the room, but she occasionally noticed what I was wearing and talked about my American clothes, accent and sense of style. She used to say, “How smart you look in your American outfit,” or something like that. She had a keen sense of humor and like many here, a very dry wit. Like my mother she was usually sewing something, very well I might add. There’s a photo taken in front of my Wineshed barn doors with both of us grinning that I look at often. I was so happy to be there and happy to be with her posing in the sunlight of a similar afternoon. 

My own kids are very far away and that fact is wearing on me on Mother’s Day. But soon we hope to visit my grown sons and their families overseas in America, along with my dearest sisters and all of their kids and grandkids. And I'm going to see my oldest grandson and his wife and their firstborn, my great grandson, Evan.  It’s been a long time here too with my two children living on the other island now and my little grandson here in New Zealand, but not here at our house for the last year. I found his favorite bath toys that I stowed away the last time he slept over, which was probably in January of 21. A good cry ensued. 

Being this far away from all of my offspring and their offspring for this long is motivating me to start planning a trip as soon as we can go, after finding someone to watch our home and animals. I know it will happen within a few months but it still feels so far away from today. But I know it will happen and next Mother’s Day will be a lot more cheerful. 

I have always been inspired after reaching my lowest ebbs in my life and this ongoing saga the world is living through is no exception. Wonderful changes will come out of this. I just don’t know exactly when.