Here Is another example of plants that just ignore us and grow perfectly well on their own. I must mention however, that I too, did the ignoring, as this is John’s area where he moved my iris plants a decade ago. I’m actually quite adept at ignoring these plants and many others. But they still seem to pop up when it’s time without me. They do this without any fanfare or notice on my part until I walk around the yard and see the minute changes from day to day that are so in tune every year and so spectacular. Somehow, joy jumps out of the ground here and thrills me no end. Sometimes, I can hardly believe my eyes.
The day I noticed these irises starting to open, we were giving a guided tour to our neighbor and her little girl. I wrote a blog about their visit and after stuffing ourselves with the cream cake they so kindly brought to us, we went on a walk around the place. Despite my endless complaints about how awful the garden looked coming into spring, the whole landscape seems to have more than weathered those storms. Life has sprung up everywhere and is now thriving. Pots I haven’t planted since last year are again sending up shoots and have flowers opening. Areas that were bare are now teeming with life of all varieties. Even cabbages have plumped out that I didn’t remember planting though they’re surrounded with a mix of weeds and some magnificent poppies that pop up in that area every year. Nature has perfected what I saw as so imperfect and now my husband/gardening pro is mowing some of the high grassy lawns so we can walk around this whole space and admire the burgeoning growth of so many old favorites.
As I sit here looking out the French doors onto the front vista, there is much to surprise us that we put in years ago. Funny that.
And here’s an extra shot of that little cutie from down the road.