Sheepish Companions

I retired early last night thinking I’d have a lie in today to make up for sleep I missed on Monday night. But I felt something in the early morning light that woke me. And peering through the glass of our French doors was a white wooly mammoth, about the size of a VW bug. He/she was looking at me intently with a head the size of a pointed long watermelon. Nothing I wanted to mess with in the early hours and nothing I wanted munching unencumbered in my garden at first light. There were about 15 of them on the side of the house and plenty more in our front yard and eventually I got John up so he could put his gummies on and he could do whatever was needed in his rather smart striped pajamas. When he asked me to join him outside and wait at the gate, I thought, hmmm…over my dead body, and so he ventured out alone. Although my pjs were quite adorable, I didn’t fancy being outside in them directing traffic as he veered closer to the house in one of our cars chasing the lot of offenders that had escaped his trotting line to the top paddock. They’d run onto the road and John did the nice thing and went outside and looked for them. Meanwhile I sipped my tea and meditated. Although I did get a few shots of those big sheep in the herd that had been eating my front garden to their hearts’ content, those views paled in comparison to what I encountered upon waking that I didn’t photograph, since they ran away when we got up.
Eventually, John came home all tuckered out because he went in the opposite direction from where they went and he had to drive around a while to find the errant beasts.
Eventually, we had our day. I finally got myself dressed and we proceeded to run errands for several hours. Luckily, I grabbed a few average shots of some other people’s sheep along the way but when I got home there were some young lambs that posed for me without flinching or running away. They are still in their cute babyish stage and curious about large humans but were newly shorn and looked pretty strange without their lovely wooly coats. Not particularly sheepish at all though, she stared me down and I was the one to walk away. Silly human seemed to be what she was thinking. Unfortunately, I agreed with her conclusion.