This has been a tough year. But just on schedule Spring decided to make an appearance and I feel so grateful about that. There is something so cheery in every daffodil, not that we have many that have opened yet. But there are many waiting to open and other bright beauties doing the exact same thing now. My plum trees for instance, are in blossom presently. Delicate little chalky white flowers with golden yellow stamens give me a hint of the luscious fruit to come. And wee whiter than white snowbells hang down and shake in the strong breeze today exposing their insides to the world at large, only me, myself and I looking at them of course, in a corner of our back garden where they came up unexpectedly. Each hint of Spring’s imminent arrival helps me get over the harsh months of the recent past that took my beloved sister from me, even though I will never forget her. Never, ever.
But just as the old rhyme or book goes, Spring IS a new beginning for all of us, even me, even sad me looking for the new meaning to my life without my lifetime pal that I expected would always be there to lean on and love me as I am, warts and all.
So, look for the joy in the advent of Spring wherever you may be, as the only thing we can really count on is the moment at hand. We can’t redo the past and make up for things missed. We can’t jump into the future either. All we have is now so if we’re stuck somewhere else. we will definitely miss it.